Sunday, November 16, 2008

The inaugaural post

Welcome to My Bad Honey.

This is for all you women (and to a lesser extent, men) who are married to, cohabiting with, or otherwise subjected to an engineer in their lives.
At times I'm accused of sounding like Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, because I study the enginerd in its native habitat, and attempt to understand through observation. It is profitable, at times, to watch the nerd in its familiar surroundings to better tailor your approach to interacting with it.

A great deal of credit has to be given to my brother, who is a Nerd Daywalker; able to interact with both normal people and engineers (or other nerds). He possesses great insight into the workings of the male nerd mind, which I have found invaluable in many instances. Occasionally I will cite sources that I have found useful in Nerd Management, and provide you with links to find other resources for maintaining your nerd.

I have written on Facebook about my engineer, and also chronicle his 'home improvements' here on blogger. My model is a 1979 Chemical Engineer turned Marine Systems Engineer. One finds it easy to write when the subject is so rich and varied in its habits and has a propensity for turning the simplest task into a more complicated version of the Normandy invasion.

Our specialty here, of course, is the engineer nerd, or "enginerd", but all are welcome. Occasionally it'll be a bit serious, most often it'll be funny, from time to time it'll be a stream of vitriol. Overall though, I think we can all relate, as what I've heard from other WOEs (Wives of Engineers) that the name of the beast may change, but its fundamental nature does not.